Contracts upon release, WeRide Robosweeper S1 hit the market with unprecedented impact!

Guangzhou, April 3rd, 2024 --** WeRide**, a global leader in autonomous driving technology, held a new robosweeper product launch event at Guangzhou International Biotech Island. The event unveiled WeRide's second autonomous driving sanitation product, the **Robosweeper S1 **(“1” refers to 1 ton), achieving a remarkable feat of securing contracts immediately upon its release. And the launch saw orders amounting to nearly ten million US dollars. WeRide Robosweeper S1 is the world's first Level 4 autonomous driving sanitation equipment capable of covering all scenarios on open roads. This initiative sounds the horn for a new wave of large-scale commercial deployment of WeRide's autonomous driving technology in the sanitation sector, with enormous commercial potential. 图1.jpg Tony Han, the founder and CEO of WeRide, expressed during the conference, "Today marks the seventh anniversary of WeRide's establishment. Over the past seven years, WeRide has been continuously exploring opportunities for commercializing autonomous driving technologies. Our five major product lines, including Robotaxi, Robobus, Robosweeper, Robovan, and Advanced Driving Solution, have successively achieved commercialization. Urban sanitation has long faced challenges such as labor shortages and harsh working environments. The launch of WeRide Robosweeper S1 represents another milestone in our efforts within the smart sanitation sector. It is a truly Level 4 and fully driverless product with a compact design, which can be easily deployed. We belive this product will empower our global customers in the urban sanitation industry to achive smart, safe and sustainable sanitation." 图2.jpg (Tony Han introduced the highlights of the new product.)

It's worth noting that WeRide has pioneered the "signing upon release" trend in the autonomous driving industry. At the event, WeRide signed contracts with multiple partners, including National Changxing Economic Development Zone, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Robotics Industry Alliance, Zhengzhou Ourland Environmental Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Kylin Development Co., Ltd., and Dongguan Binhaiwan Holding Group Co., Ltd., achieving nearly tens of millions of dollars in orders on site. 图3.jpg (WeRide signs contracts with multiple partners.)

图4.jpg (WeRide Robosweeper S1 is performing unmanned cleaning operations)

As WeRide's entry into multi-scenario sanitation applications, Robosweeper S1 is equipped with WeRide's mature autonomous driving software and hardware systems, boasting 360-degree perception capabilities and industry-leading planning and control abilities. It can maintain close proximity to edges while flexibly navigating various static and dynamic obstacles, effectively sweeping various visible debris and solid particles from road surfaces. Additionally, it can conduct automatic garbage dumping and parking and can complement traditional sanitation methods effectively, ensuring comprehensive sanitation operations without blind spots. 图5.jpeg (WeRide Robosweeper S1 collaborates with sanitation workers.)

To meet various demands in different scenarios, WeRide Robosweeper S1 offers three configuration versions: Air, Pro, and Max, comprehensively catering to the needs of diverse users and environments. With a compact length of only 2570mm (excluding brushes) and a minimum turning radius of 2700mm (outer dimension), it features a 400L water tank and a 240L garbage bin. With a single charge, it can operate on an area of up to 120,000m². WeRide Robosweeper S1 can be effortlessly deployed in scenes such as parks, sidewalks, greenways, non-motorized lanes, delivering efficient and high-quality unmanned sweeping and dust suppression services. Together with the WeRide Robosweeper S6, deployed on urban main roads, it forms a comprehensive, pure unmanned sanitation solution covering traffic arteries, secondary roads, and auxiliary lanes. 图6.png (The collaboration between WeRide Robosweeper S1 and S6.)

The release of the Robosweeper S1 marks another significant breakthrough for WeRide in the field of smart sanitation, showcasing the company's rapid iteration capability in autonomous driving technology, acute market insights, and scalable commercial advancement prowess.

Looking ahead, WeRide will continue to provide premium all-scenario autonomous driving sanitation products and services to global clients, empowering partners to gain a first-mover advantage in transitioning from traditional sanitation to smart sanitation. This will further propel the entire sanitation industry towards a direction of green, intelligent, and sustainable development.