WeRide officially obtained a permit for driverless road testing in the intelligent connected vehicle policy pilot zone in Beijing

Recently, WeRide officially obtained a permit for driverless road testing in the intelligent connected vehicle policy pilot zone in Beijing. According to the permit, WeRide's Robotaxi can conduct autonomous driving driverless public road testing within the entire scope of the high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone in Beijing, with no safety personnel in the driver's seat and safety personnel in the passenger seat. The total testing area covers 60 square kilometers.


Previously, at the end of October, WeRide was awarded an autonomous driving road test license by the working office of the high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone in Beijing. The license allows WeRide's Robotaxi fleet to carry out public road testing in the high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone of Beijing with safety personnel in the driver's seat.

WeRide has successively obtained two Beijing autonomous driving road test permits within two months, completing the upgrade from "driver with safety personnel on the road test" to "driverless road test" quickly. This not only stems from WeRide's strong autonomous driving technology, but also from its smooth passage of multiple rigorous technical tests in Beijing, such as closed-scene testing and driverless-scene testing. It is also due to the current acceleration of the promotion of the recognition mechanism for intelligent connected vehicle policies in other regions, which helps autonomous driving companies, represented by WeRide, that have accumulated rich experience in autonomous driving testing and landing in other cities to complete road test assessments more quickly and efficiently, achieving increased efficiency and speed in the deployment of autonomous driving.


As early as June 2019, WeRide obtained the first batch of 20 autonomous driving road test licenses issued by the Guangzhou municipal government and began autonomous driving public road testing in the Huangpu district and Guangzhou development zone. In July 2020, WeRide obtained the first national permit for remote testing of intelligent connected vehicles and officially conducted fully driverless driving road tests on open roads within the scope of road testing in Guangzhou, becoming the first autonomous driving company in China and the second in the world to be granted approval for fully driverless driving road tests.As of now, WeRide's global autonomous driving mileage has exceeded 13 million kilometers.